Platte Valley School District News
District Events
Public Health Information

Platte Valley School District will work in conjunction with CDE and local public health with regard to illness issues. The general message is simple. If your son or daughter is well, we want your student at school! If your child is sick and not feeling well, please keep him or her home. Our part will be as follows:

  • We will not require masks. If a student or stakeholder would like to wear a mask they may do so. We continue to ask that individuals continue to be considerate of others.

  • We will not contact trace.

  • We will not prevent others in a household who are not sick from attending school. If a student is sick, they should stay home. If a student has a temperature of 100.4 the student will be sent home. This is in accordance with historical practice so that your child can work on feeling better and we do not get other students sick.

  • We will reference Colorado Department of Health and Environment's Communicable Disease guidelines: "How Sick is too Sick?" when making the decision to send your child home or in allowing them to remain in school.

  • We will follow board policy as it relates to vaccinations, exemptions, and exclusions. This includes items such as Tuberculosis, Roseola, Head Lice, Chicken Pox, etc. Please refer to Board Policy JLCC-E(1) around Communicable Diseases.

It is important to understand these expectations may change based off of current situations and guidelines throughout the state.